Operation Stars & Stripes Kick-Off Ceremony
On Thursday, May 23, 2019, at 7 pm, in the City Hall Council Chambers, the City of Burlington Police Department in conjunction with the James MacFarland American Legion Post #79, Slade Valentine American Legion Post #336, and Boy Scouts of America Troop #76, all based out of Burlington, New Jersey, will come together to commemorate 3rd Class Petty Officer Carl Wooden and to kick-off”Operation Stars and Stripes” in his memory.
Operation Stars & Stripes is a combined effort to properly honor and retire used U.S. Flags, by placing a “Patriotic Container” in City Hall for residents to turn in their old flags. For the first 50 citizens who retire their flag at our station, a new flag will be given to them. The first 30 flags will be in memory of 3rd Class Petty Officer Carl Wooden, while the final 20 flags will be given out in memory of local City of Burlington Residents who gave their life during World War I. A placard with their name will be given out with the flag. The flags were purchased through donations from local city events supporting local Community Policing Initiatives.
3rd Class Petty Officer Carl Wooden was a very active in the retirement of U.S. Flags in our local community, placing flags at grave sites of veterans on Memorial Day, and placing wreaths along “The Wreath Caravan” recognizing the final resting places of soldiers throughout Burlington County.
In light of the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend, we invite any member of the public to attend this event as the City of Burlington Police Department, along with Mayor Conaway and our local government, gratefully appreciate and honor those who gave their life for our country.